
Stay at Home Order, Do's and Don'ts

Questions about what you can and should not do? The City of Chicago has a FAQ/frequently asked questions page to help.

For more resources and information go to the City of Chicago COVID-19 Updates page:

Senior and Vulnerable Population Distancing 

Pay attention to senior-only shopping times. Many local groceries and national chains have set aside hours intended only for the elderly and other vulnerable populations. You can see a list here, though it’s not fully comprehensive so if there’s a store you shop at that’s not on the list, consider checking their website or social media for info. 

Who’s Hiring

Illinois grocers throughout the state are looking to hire. Simply click on the name of the grocer and submit an application. Many are hiring on-the-spot. If you are a grocer looking to hire and want to be added to this resource page, please contact us via email or give us a call at 217-544-1003.